Distroless: An Update
Sometime back, I wrote a blog on distroless — https://medium.com/p/30a1f876f5d1.
Then recently started writing a spring boot app on the latest spring boot and jib version.
And I found that minor things have changed, so I thought of writing a little update on the implementation part of the jib.
The latest version of the “jib-maven-plugin” I am using now is 3.2.1.
The first thing I see is that the default image is no longer distroless but eclipse-temurin:8-jre.
To rectify this, we have to add a “from” configuration like the below:-
The second thing I found is that during compilation, a warning was shown:-
[WARNING] 'mainClass' configured in 'maven-jar-plugin' is not a valid Java class: ${start-class}
To rectify this, add the following configuration
The maven-jib-plugin should look like the below in your pom:-
Additional Note:- In my last blog, I showed how you could push images to different container registries using the maven-jib-plugin. There is one more way to do this. You can keep a single plugin configuration for all your profiles, but then you can use the following maven command to push it to different container registries.
mvn clean package jib:build -Djib.to.image=<image_registry>/<image_name>:<tag>
The main point to note here is that you use “jib:build” rather than “jib:dockerBuild”.
I hope this helps all the readers. Until next time!